About Jeff: A Foodie Living In Florida

About me

My Journey

Hey everyone! I’m Jeff, a certified foodie, and to paraphrase the late great 80’s musician Robert Palmer, AKA The Best-Dressed Man in Rock & Roll, “[I] might as well face it, [I’m] addicted to [grub].”

This blog is about my culinary adventures, focusing on Florida restaurant reviews. Here you can read reviews of restaurants and see high-quality photos of common and exotic food with NO filters. What you see is what you get, just as it’s presented on your plate.

Why I Review Restaurants

Why am I a foodie? Finding great food is an adventure, a thrill, if you will, hence the name “Eat to Thrill”. I love discovering the undiscovered and trying familiar foods in an unfamiliar way. Everyone’s got their own spin on a dish. Same ingredients, different results. Order grilled cheese in a hundred different restaurants, and no two will taste the same.

In an interview on the Late Show with David Letterman, the late musician Warren Zevon said, “Enjoy every sandwich.” Since then, I research where I go out to eat, to avoid being dissatisfied. It is my mission to take photos of delicious food and review restaurants you’ll love, wherever I may roam.

Contact Me

If I’m in your city and there are any restaurants you’d like me to review, please let me know.

Also feel free to follow me on Instagram and YouTube for exclusive reviews and behind the scenes photos!

Your fellow foodie, Jeff.

Cooking is about passion, so it may look slightly temperamental in a way that it’s too assertive to the naked eye.

Gordon Ramsay

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