No Passport Required: The Consulate in Atlanta



If you crave many types of international cuisine, and are a world traveler like I am, The Consulate in Atlanta is for you. This unique restaurant has mainstay dishes called “residents”, and every 3 months, a different country’s cuisine is featured, which are called “visas”. It’s a pretty cool idea, if you ask me.

The restaurant’s décor and menu are culturally diverse. European, African, South American and Asian dishes are represented. On the walls, you’ll see an original Henri Matisse and Andy Warhol, dishes bearing presidential seals, and various international books and odds and ends.

The brown couches and loveseats, and blue and green plush benches add an intimate touch, as did the very dim lighting, although I prefer being able to see my food.

Oddball Punch

My waiter, who is also the beverage director, suggested a good drink (“Oddball Punch”) and even offered extra ginger lemongrass syrup to make it sweeter, to get rid of that raw, gasoline-like texture. “It’ll put hair on your chest”, he said, to which I laughed and responded “I have enough already.” I asked him some questions about the dishes I wanted to order, and he described them in great detail.

Oddball Punch at The Consulate in Atlanta
Oddball Punch

Ethiopian Lamb Tibs

The Consulate’s Ethiopian lamb tibs were sensational. The spicy, slow-cooked lamb was marinated in paprika, cayenne and locally-purchased Ethiopian berbere seasoning, was mixed in with green peppers, mushrooms, jalapeños, garlic and ginger, and topped with a sprig of rosemary, and was served with a small side of rice. Order this and you’ll soon book a flight to Addis Ababa. The side of rice was a little undercooked, but that’s the only negative thing I have to say about it.

Ethiopian lamb tibs

Greenlandic Nuuk Chops

My second dish was Greenlandic nuuk chops. The three lollipop lamb chops were in a red wine and blueberry reduction. Yes, the reduction was undoubtedly a little fruity, but the alcohol in the red wine helped to dilute the fruitiness. You’d never think “blueberry” with “lamb chops”, but it actually worked. The sizable chops were cooked medium, and were tender and tasty. I never thought I’d have a Greenlandic dish, but with Eat to Thrill, you never know. If not for The Consulate in Atlanta, I’d probably have never tried these.

Greenlandic nuuk chops

Turkish Coffee Cheesecake

I ended my meal with Turkish coffee cheesecake. The caramel-colored orange liqueur glaze on top wasn’t strong, but it did have a kick to it. The pistachios on top, the creamy center, and the bottom layer of chocolate crust—heck, every damn thing about it—was superb. It all blended together like a symphony. This is one of my all-time favorite desserts. The Consulate in Atlanta rocks!

Turkish coffee cheesecake

Where else can you have authentic Ethiopian and Greenlandic dishes, and Turkish dessert all in the same restaurant? The Consulate in Atlanta has now become one of my favorite restaurants. If you live in Atlanta or plan on flying in, make dinner plans here a priority. No passport required.

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